Forest Reiki News - Special offers, a workshop, learning Reiki and a favour to ask...
It feels a bit late to be wishing you all a happy new year but it seems that many of us have struggled to drag ourselves into 2024 after what was a pretty challenging 2023.
As I write, it’s a beautiful cold, sunny. blue-sky sort of day - my favourite kind and I feel inspired to share the latest news from Forest Reiki.
‘Journey through the Chakras’ workshop - Sunday 25th February, 2024, 9.30pm-1.00pm, St Mark’s Hall, Pennington
Journey through the Chakras with Katharine and Mikki
I have been practising yoga for over 30 years now and I love my weekly class with Mikki from Yoga Om. Mikki and I have been talking about doing a joint workshop for a long time now and we have finally got our acts together.
‘A Journey through the Chakras’ is open to everyone, whether or not you have practised yoga or experienced Reiki. It’s designed to give you an introduction to the body’s chakra system, how it connects to our physical and energetic bodies and how important it is to ensure that the seven main chakras are balanced and free of blockages. This will be a very practical workshop, with a guided relaxation and breathing, some gentle yoga moves linked to each chakra, an introduction to energy work and how we use Reiki to focus on each chakra in our energy field finishing with a relaxing Savasana.
At just £50 (£45 early bird offer if paid by 31st January), this Sunday morning workshop aims to be affordable and accessible to all. The price includes herbal teas, energy snacks and a bowl of Mikki’s delicious homemade soup before you leave - to set you up for the rest of the day.
If you’re a regular client, enjoying your Reiki sessions and feeling the many benefits, why not learn Reiki yourself?
As a qualified Reiki Master Teacher, I am now able to teach Reiki level 1, 2 and 3.
Reiki level 1 (known as ‘Shoden’ in Japanese) is an introduction to Reiki and is particularly helpful as you learn not only how to give a full Reiki treatment (friends and family only at this stage), but also how to give yourself a Reiki treatment. For more detailed information on what the course covers and cost, please contact me. I teach on a one-to-one or one-to-two basis - the latter works particularly well if you have a friend or relative you would like to learn Reiki with. All courses take placeI here at my home, Forest Reiki, and the environment is very relaxed. For more information on this and other Reiki courses and prices, click here:
Was it good for you?
A favour to ask and a chance to win a relaxing Reiki treatment with me!
Many of my clients discover me via word of mouth but I also see new people who find me on Google. It’s been a while since I’ve asked for your feedback and I would be really grateful if you could take the time to leave a review on my Google page. It doesn’t need to be long - just a couple of lines - it makes such a big difference to us small businesses.
As an incentive, anyone who submits a review (good or bad) will be entered in a prize draw to win a free one hour Reiki treatment with me. I will announce the winner on Valentine’s Day!
And finally, as they say…
Special offer through January and February 2024
Oracle cards
Book a Classic one hour Reiki session and receive a free oracle card reading, sound healing or crystal aura spray treatment.
Valentine’s Day is less than a month away now. Why not treat your loved one to a relaxing Reiki treatment? New gift vouchers available to purchase.
That’s all for now folks.
Please get in touch if you’d like to have a chat about Reiki or need any more information.