Reiki - a way of life
Just for today… be kind to all others
For the Japanese founder of Reiki, Dr Mikao Usui, Reiki was a way of life, not just a natural healing and relaxation technique. He introduced the five Reiki precepts as a sort of moral compass, a way of life and a reminder of what is important in life. He encouraged his students to recite the five Reiki principles every day and to be compassionate, kind, generous and mindful of how their daily behaviour might affect themselves and others.
The Reiki Precepts
Just for today…
Do not be angry
Do not worry
Be grateful
Be honest and diligent in all your endeavours
Be kind to all others
What I love about these principles is the fact that they are realistic. We are all imperfect human beings who make mistakes and do things we regret. But by including the words ‘Just for today…’ before each Reiki principle, Mikao Usui recognises this and gives us permission to be human and to make mistakes.
We may occasionally have a bad day, lose our temper, be unkind or ungrateful but we can choose to wipe our slate clean and turn over a fresh leaf the next day.
I find it helpful to say these five precepts out loud every morning. It helps to give me focus for the day and reminds me of what’s important in life.
If I do find myself feeling worried, anxious or angry, I give myself ‘emergency Reiki’ by closing my eyes, holding both my hands over my chest and taking a few deep breaths. Try it yourself - it really works!
If you would like to experience Reiki for yourself, why not book a relaxing, healing treatment with me?