time for a reiki reset?
Snowdrops - the heralds of spring
It’s been a slow start to 2025 for me and I know I’m not the only one. The cold, grey weather and lack of sunshine has made the month of January drag even more than usual. Thankfully, we are edging closer to spring with the first signs in nature appearing, albeit slowly. I spotted my first snowdrop this week and the crocuses will be close behind brightening up our days.
February 1st marks the official end of winter and the start of spring, according to the Celts. ‘Imbolc’, a festival of pagan origin, is the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It was traditionally a time to celebrate new beginnings, the lighter evenings and a return to farming. In Ireland, it is celebrated with a public holiday - St Brigid’s Day on the 1st February.
In the United States and Canada, Groundhog Day is a tradition observed on February 2nd whereby it is believed that if a groundhog emerges from its burrow on the 2nd February and sees its shadow, it will retreat to its den and winter will go on for six weeks. If it doesn’t see its shadow, spring will arrive early. It’s similar to the British St Swithin’s Day on the 15th July. Tradition says that if it rains here on St Swithin’s Day, it will rain for 40 more days but if the day is fair, there will be 40 days with no rain. Here’s hoping..
This is a perfect time of year to treat yourself to a Reiki reset. Reiki can help on a physical, mental and emotional level. The majority of my clients come to me for emotional rather than physical reasons. Many of them feel stressed, anxious, overwhelmed and even exhausted, either physically, mentally and/or emotionally. Reiki calms the nervous system and can help with stress, anxiety, overwhelm, depression, fatigue, insomnia, relationship problems, menopausal symptoms and grief. It also promotes recuperation and our body’s natural ability to heal after an operation or illness. Reiki is very gentle, suitable for anyone and can be tolerated by those going through chemotherapy as it can be practised both hands-on and hands-off.
Why not treat yourself or a loved one to a relaxing, rebalancing, reviving Reiki treatment with me and give yourself a Reiki reset?
I offer various treatments, from Classic Reiki to Reiki with crystal aura sprays, sound healing and oracle card readings and Angelic Reiki.
Having regular Reiki treatments can be so beneficial. I offer a £10 discount when you book and pay for three Reiki treatments in advance; the sessions are valid for 12 months. Many of my regular clients like to take advantage of this as it means that they commit to looking after themselves and having some ‘me time’ which is so essential in this crazy world we live in.
I shall be away from the 17th-26th February inclusive but am taking bookings before and after those dates. Contact me on 07951 960898 or email me on hello@forest-reiki.co.uk
I look forward to seeing you again soon.