Reiki Treatments & Prices

Classic Forest Reiki treatment

A relaxing Reiki treatment to restore and revive body, mind and soul.

You will leave my garden studio feeling like you’ve had a good night’s sleep and you’ll continue to feel the benefits of Reiki.

One hour - £60

NB - Discount of £10 when booking and paying for three Reiki treatments in advance

£1 instead of £180 for three treatments

Additional ‘add-ons’ include sound therapy and oracle card readings…

Oracle Card Readings

reiki master near me, Oracle card readings

Some people collect books, others shoes or vinyl records. Me - I collect Oracle cards. I have always been fascinated by them and have around 12 different decks in my Reiki room.

Why not add an oracle card reading to your Reiki treatment and see what the universe has in store for you? This is a light-hearted reading (no hanged men or Grim Reapers, I promise).

Oracle card reading is only available as an ‘add-on’ to your regular Reiki treatment - £10

Sound Therapy

Reiki session with Sound Therapy

“Sound therapy uses sound, music and specialist instruments played in therapeutic ways combined with deep self-reflection techniques to improve health and wellbeing.” - British Academy of Sound Therapy

The benefits of sound therapy are becoming more widely recognised now, with gong baths and crystal singing bowl baths proving very popular. The use of sound as a healing property dates back to ancient times when our ancestors used various instruments to create vibrations to help relieve and treat various conditions. I use a combination of instruments including a Himalayan singing bowl, a crystal singing pyramid, Koshi wind chimes and tuning forks.

Sound therapy is only available as an ‘add-on’ to your Reiki treatment.
15 minutes - £10

Crystal-infused Reiki treatment

reiki healer, crystal healing with reiki

The healing and protective properties of crystals long been recognised by our ancestors who made them into jewellery, amulets and talismans thought to be protective and bring good luck respectively.

Crystal healing involves working with crystal energy to positively influence our own energy and thus improve our health and general well-being. I have a large collection of crystals which I’ve built up over many years, working on the different chakras. I intuitively use different carefully selected crystals and tailor each treatment to the client. I find that combining Reiki and crystals is very powerful and effective.

Crystal-infused Reiki treatment

One hour - £65

Chakra-balancing Reiki treatment with aura sprays

aromatherapy oils used in a reiki session

‘Chakras’ meaning ‘wheels’ in Sanskrit symbolise energy centres in our body which store, regulate and distribute our ‘chi’ or life force energy, based on the theory that we are more than just a body - we are an energetic being. Each chakra corresponds to specific nerve plexuses and organs in the body and has a different colour. When our chakras are healthy and spinning well, we feel balanced and well both physically and emotionally but when one or more chakras are blocked, this can result in physical and emotional symptoms.

This is a relaxing, chakra-balancing Reiki treatment using Zephorium’s crystal and essential-oil infused aura sprays, each linked to a different chakra - the root (muladhara), sacral (svadhisthana), solar plexus (manipura), heart (anahata), throat (vishhuddah), brow (ajna) and crown (sahasrara*). A must for anyone who’s feeling out of sorts and in need of balancing and who enjoys aromatherapy and evocative scents. The Zephorium aura sprays I use are available to buy from me. My clients are normally drawn to one in particular which usually corresponds to the chakra most in need of balancing.

1 hour - £65

* Sanskrit names in brackets

Reiki Therapy near me

Affirmations and manifestations

Do you feel stuck in a loop? Do you have self-limiting beliefs? Do you have habits you’d like to change?

Affirmations have the power to help you to change your negative thought patterns and replace them with positive patterns. They can help you to focus on achieving your goals in life and can motivate you to act on certain things.

This is a bespoke service involving a detailed consultation with you to identify what your problem or self-limiting belief is. I then work closely with you to create an empowering affirmation which is personal to you and based on your answers which we discuss in the consultation.

You will then receive a tailored Reiki treatment to install this affirmation into you with your active participation. You will receive this personalised affirmation to take away with you to work on.

One hour and 30 minutes £75

To book a Reiki treatment, please contact me on
07951 960898.