News & Updates
Beautiful bluebells
I can’t believe we’re halfway through April already! I love this time of year as spring struggles to tame winter into submission and we can experience four seasons in one day. But the bluebells are beginning to appear around the forest - a sure sign that spring is winning the battle.
And breathe....
Today is April 1st and the start of Stress Awareness Month. It’s no joke that we all suffer from stress for whatever reasons at various times in our lives. It is so important to take time out and look after yourself. The saying, “You can’t pour from an empty cup” is very true.
The early bird catches the worm
This year, the spring equinox coincides with a super-moon, known as the ‘Worm moon’, after the Native American observation that the worms begin to appear at the start of spring as the ground begins to thaw. It’s almost as if the birds know that winter is over as they busy themselves catching worms and gathering twigs for their nests. Look out for it tonight!
A relaxing reiki treat for Mother’s Day
Why not treat your mum to a relaxing Reiki session this Mother’s Day (Sunday 31st March)?
If you’re looking for a Mother’s Day present that’s a little more original than flowers or chocolates, look no further and treat your Mum to a Reiki session with me.
Stop and smell the daffodils
Today is the first day of spring and also St David’s Day - always nostalgic for me, having been brought up in Wales. It’s also my brother, David’s birthday. He underwent major heart surgery in January which was a bit of a shock but he is now recovering well.
Spring is in the air
It may still be February but the first signs of spring are already starting to appear in our garden - tiny snowdrops, brightly coloured crocuses and cheerful yellow daffodils - my favourite flowers (it’s a Welsh thing). The birds sound more optimistic and temperatures are slowly rising. The days are gradually getting longer as we anticipate the end of what seems to have been quite a long winter.
Winter is here - time to hibernate?
Winter has arrived here in the New Forest and as the temperature drops, the temptation is to hibernate until the spring But if we wrap up warmly and brave the cold, it’s actually one of the most exhilarating times of year to go for a walk/jog/run/cycle. We’ve had some stunning sunsets over the last few weeks and the winter sun streaming through the trees is so magical.
Autumn - a time of transition
Reiki is a simple, natural, non-intrusive method of energy healing which encourages the body to balance and heal itself. Reiki treats the whole person - body, mind and soul, resulting in many beneficial effects including relaxation, stress reduction, improved sleep patterns and a general feeling of peace and well-being. The client remains fully clothed whilst positive energy flows through the hands of the practitioner promoting relaxation, releasing tension and helping to balance the body’s ‘chakras’ (energy centres).
What exactly is Reiki?
It’s Reiki Awareness Week and what better time to talk about what Reiki is? When I tell people I’m a Reiki practitioner, I often get puzzled looks and it’s actually not that easy to explain what it is and how it works.
Reiki is a simple, non-intrusive method of energy healing which allows positive energy to flow through the practitioner’s hands, encouraging the body to balance and heal itself. The word ‘Reiki’ comes from the Japanese words ‘Rei’ meaning universal and ‘Ki’ meaning life force energy.
Spring-clean your body and mind!
Some people are a little nervous about exploring alternative therapies. Reiki (pronounced 'ray-kee') comes from the Japanese words, 'rei' (meaning 'universal') and 'ki' (meaning 'energy). It is an ancient Japanese relaxation technique which was developed by Mikao Usui in the early 20th century. Reiki is a completely harmless, non-invasive, holistic treatment which is gentle but powerful. The Reiki practitioner uses a series of hand positions to channel energy to the body's energy centres (chakras) enabling the body to rebalance and revitalise itself. The client remains fully clothed throughout the treatment which can be carried out either hands-off or hands-on, depending on your preference. Reiki works on every level, not just the physical.