Winter is here - time to hibernate?

Winter has arrived here in the New Forest and as the temperature drops, the temptation is to hibernate until the spring But if we wrap up warmly and brave the cold, it’s actually one of the most exhilarating times of year to go for a walk/jog/run/cycle. We’ve had some stunning sunsets over the last few weeks and the winter sun streaming through the trees is so magical.

January is the time of year when people are re-evaluating their lives, making resolutions for the year to come and trying to live a healthier life after the excesses of the festive season - ‘Dry January’ has never been so popular! It’s also a time when we could all do with a little TLC and ‘me-time’. If you’re feeling a bit down, out of balance or low on energy or are finding it difficult to adjust to the season, why not come and try a relaxing, rebalancing reiki session in my cosy treatment room? Have a look at the testimonials on my website to see what other people say. 

Call me on 07951 960898 and treat yourself to a session.

See you at Forest Reiki soon. 




A winter dog walk at Longslade Bottom in Sway

This tree in Hordle Rec was the inspiration for my Forest Reiki logo

This tree in Hordle Rec was the inspiration for my Forest Reiki logo


Spring is in the air


Autumn - a time of transition