Beautiful bluebells

If you go down to the woods today...

If you go down to the woods today...

I can’t believe we’re halfway through April already! I love this time of year as spring struggles to tame winter into submission and we can experience four seasons in one day. But the bluebells are beginning to appear around the forest - a sure sign that spring is winning the battle. 

Nothing beats a walk through the bluebell woods to restore the soul. My favourite bluebell haunts are Roydon Woods in Brockenhurst and the Pondhead Enclosure just outside Lyndhurst but you can spot bluebells in the most unlikely places so keep your eyes open for them. 

I’m spending some time with my family over Easter but will be offering Reiki sessions again from the 23rd April. Give me a call on 07951 960898 or email me to book your relaxing, balancing treatment in my tranquil garden room. 


It’s May!


And breathe....