Katharine O’Callaghan

Reiki Master

I have always been fascinated by complementary therapies and holistic treatments – aromatherapy, homeopathy, flower remedies, acupuncture, massage, crystals, colour therapy, angels – you name it! I am a strong believer in taking a holistic approach to health and life in general. They say that Reiki finds you and in my case, this is true. I was at a yoga retreat on the Isle of Wight when I experienced my first Reiki session and I was hooked. Cue a mid-life adventure and my decision to leave the world of wine behind to train as a Reiki practitioner, a decision driven by my desire to do something worthwhile with my life and to give something back to the world. Fast forward eight years and I am now a Reiki Master Teacher.

Reiki (pronounced β€˜ray-kee’) comes from the Japanese words, β€˜rei’ (meaning β€˜universal’) and β€˜ki’ (meaning β€˜energy’). Reiki is a natural healing energy activated by intention. It works on every level, not just the physical. The practice of Reiki is an ancient Japanese relaxation technique which is non-invasive, gentle, yet powerful and completely harmless. It was developed by Mikao Usui in Japan in the early 20th century. Reiki may be used alongside orthodox healthcare but is not an alternative to conventional medicine.


The Benefits of Reiki

Benefits reported by clients vary widely but include feeling calm, rejuvenated, revitalised, energised, deeply relaxed, more positive, less tense/stressed and more balanced physically and emotionally.

relax, rebalance, rejuvenate, recharge, revive…

Just for today...
Do not worry
Just for today...
Do not get angry
Just for today...
Be grateful
Just for today...
Be kind
Just for today...
Work hard

Dr Mikao Usui, founder of Reiki


Dr Mikao Usui believed that living by these Reiki principles would help a person to find the right path in life and to be compassionate, kind and generous.

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