It’s been a while...

My last blog post was back in April, at the start of lockdown so it has been a while since I have been in touch with you, for which I apologise. I have no real excuse, given that I have been unable to offer Reiki treatments and in theory have had much more time on my hands. In my defence, I do have a teenage boy and like many other parents across the country, have been coping with the many challenges of home schooling. I also have elderly parents who live close by and have been looking after them during lockdown which has not been easy for them.

I have really missed holding space for all my clients and am so looking forward to being able to offer Reiki treatments again. I shall, of course, be putting various measures in place to ensure that you feel confident that Forest Reiki offers a safe environment and will communicate these to you before I open again. The beauty of Reiki is that the client remains fully clothed throughout the treatment and it can be practised hands-off as well as hands-on so physical contact is minimal. Also, my garden studio has a stable door which will be kept open throughout the treatments (extra blankets will be provided and all bedding will be washed thoroughly between clients).

So how was it for you?

It has been the strangest of times, with normal life ceasing to exist almost overnight all those weeks ago. Lockdown has been harder for some than others and I consider myself to be one of the lucky ones. The financial impact on our family has been considerable with the loss of business (we are both self-employed and Andy runs an events company) but for me, after those initial few weeks when we were all at sea and a bit shell-shocked, further down the line, the positives have now outweighed the negatives. I find it helpful to keep a gratitude diary. Here are some of my reasons to be grateful during lockdown:

The peace and quiet and the lack of traffic on our roads

The way spring blossomed so exquisitely and how Nature ruled

Bonding with our neighbours whilst clapping for the NHS and keyworkers

Lovely long family bike rides and walks in the forest

Rediscovering board games (Cluedo is now Tom’s favourite game)

Spending quality time with my parents

Learning to play table tennis in the garden

Taking part in yoga and chi kung classes on Zoom with distance no longer an object

Joining in distant reiki shares and meeting new people

Exploring different therapies like sound and crystals to enhance your Reiki experience

Journaling – I have always loved writing and have lost track of the number of notebooks I have

Swimming in the sea – so invigorating and good for the soul

Paddle-boarding (or attempting to as it’s not easy to stand up on the sea)

Meditating with the help of a 21-day challenge with Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey (yes, really)

Having more time to read - my ‘go-to’ book is The Edge of Wonder by poet, Victoria Erickson

Reconnecting with friends abroad and in other parts of the UK on Facetime, Whatsapp and Zoom

I know that for many people, lockdown has been really tough and I can’t wait to offer my Reiki treatments again to help restore, revive and replenish your mind, body and soul.

I will be in touch with you all as soon as I am able to offer Reiki treatments again.

In the meantime, stay safe and I look forward to seeing you again very soon.





A special offer from Forest Reiki to celebrate Spring


Finding the positives