Finding the positives

I’ve been meaning to write this blog post for a few weeks now - ever since our everyday lives were turned upside down and we began to find the ‘new normal’. It’s strange as in theory, I’ve had more time than usual to get on with it but I felt somehow ‘stuck’. Not so much a case of ‘fight or flight’ but rather ‘freeze’, worrying about the impact of the ‘C word’, on both a financial and a personal level.

Thankfully, I’m now in a much better place and feel very positive. Ignoring all the obvious downsides - social distancing, worrying about elderly parents, loss of income, loss of certain freedoms, there really is an awful lot to be happy about. Spring is here and carrying on regardless with the birds busy building their nests, the sun shining, the trees budding and bluebells appearing.

Here are some of my reasons to be cheerful today:

Spring has arrived and the sun is shining.

Spending more quality time with my family (including Corky the collie).

Walking or cycling every day and loving the lack of traffic and noise.

Appreciating our garden and will never take it for granted again.

Reconnecting with friends all over the word thanks to social media.

Learning some new skills to complement my Reiki - crystal healing and sound therapy.

Getting round to all those jobs in the house we’ve been meaning to do for ages.

Making the most of free online classes - yoga, meditation, chi kung, you name it!

Reading books I never had time to open before.

Finding a new use for my Reiki room which I was missing – it’s now my yoga studio!

Listening to the beautiful dawn chorus every day – the birds are celebrating the peace and quiet.

Looking at the clear night skies are enjoying - the stars and moon seem so bright.

So, what I’m really saying is that you can always find the positives in any situation. We can’t control this situation. There’s no point in getting angry or frustrated about it – let’s just go with the flow and make the most of the extra time many of us now have.

For those of you still working, especially on the front line, all I can say is a big THANK YOU!

In my next few blog posts, I shall be focusing on the five Reiki principles, diving deep into each one and exploring how they are relevant to our everyday lives.  

Dr Mikao Usui, the Japanese founder of Reiki and these principles, believed that everyone should live by these simple principles:

Just for today ... do not worry

Just for today ... do not be angry

Just for today ... earn your living honestly

Just for today ... be grateful

Just for today ... be kind

Of course, none of us can do this every day, hence the words ‘Just for today’.

I’m missing my lovely clients and looking forward to practising my Reiki again.

Happy Easter everyone!




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