It’s May!


May is one of my favourite months. I love the fact that trees are green again, blossom is blooming, birds are singing and we can dare to dream about another summer like last year. April is always such a funny month - between two seasons and very unpredictable. May Day has its roots in ancient pagan festivals marking the beginning of summer -  a good reason to celebrate I say!

I have so enjoyed treating clients old and new with reiki and have had some lovely feedback. People come to me for all sorts of reasons - to help them de-stress, improve sleep patterns, cope better with the various challenges life throws us all or simply to find an hour of ‘me-time’ where they can totally relax and switch off in a tranquil, nurturing space. Reiki is a very gentle treatment which is suitable for everyone  

Have a look at some of the reviews on my website or on my Facebook page, @NewForestReiki and if you’ve enjoyed a treatment with me, please take five minutes to leave a short review.  

Wishing you all a very happy May bank holiday, whatever you may be doing. I shall be catching up with a good friend of mine at her cottage in Somerset but look forward to seeing you all soon. 




Corky the collie cooling off in his favourite stream. 


Hello Autumn!


Beautiful bluebells