Spring-clean your body, mind and spirit

Today, we celebrate the Spring Equinox, the official start of spring. We say goodbye to what has been a very long winter and start to look forward to milder, warmer weather and longer days. There’s an optimism in the air as the birds sing, the flowers open and the leaves on the trees turn green.

Spring is an excellent time to release what no longer serves us, to address any bad habits, to make plans for the coming months, to explore any creative ideas and to welcome in the new.

We often feel the urge to spring-clean our houses and to spruce up our gardens, so neglected over the long, cold winter, but what about ourselves? We can often feel a bit sluggish and lacking in energy after hibernating over the winter.

Why not spring-clean your body, mind and spirit with a relaxing, rebalancing Reiki treatment?

Reiki is safe, gentle and non-invasive but extremely effective and has many benefits.

  • Reduces stress and anxiety

  • Relieves pain

  • Promotes better sleep

  • Helps with emotional problems and trauma

  • Encourages the body and mind to relax

  • Aids recuperation from illness

  • Helps with bereavement and grief (recent or past)

  • Eases headaches and migraines

  • Improves energy levels

  • Restores balance

  • Strengthens the immune system

  • Complements medical treatment and other alternative therapies

  • Can be used alongside chemotherapy and radiotherapy

To book your relaxing Reiki treatment with me or for more information, please contact Katharine, Tel: 07951 960898, email me at ksocallaghan@icloud.com or visit my website, www.forest-reiki.co.uk


Forest Reiki - It's been a while...


A special offer to celebrate Springtime