Happy New Year, Happy New You!

As we enter a brand new decade, many of us will have made resolutions for 2020 - to exercise more, to eat more healthily, to drink less - you know the sort of thing. The trouble is, it can be hard to stick to these resolutions 24/7 and when we ‘fail’, we feel disappointed and despondent and so begins a negative cycle.

That’s why the Reiki principles* are so relevant to our busy, often stressful lives.

Just for today, do not be angry

Just for today, do not worry

Just for today, be grateful

Just for today, work hard

Just for today, be kind to others

We are all human and it’s just not possible to be happy, calm, grateful, hard-working or kind every day, which is why the founder of Reiki, Dr Mikao Usui included the words, ‘Just for today’ before each principle.

So, if you break that diet for one day or miss that exercise class, don’t be too hard on yourself and remember that tomorrow is another day - a blank slate.

Do whatever makes you happy

Finally, rest and relaxation are so important in this busy world of ours so why not make it a priority to set aside some ‘me time’ for yourself every week, doing something that makes you happy. This could be a walk in the forest, a stroll by the sea, a bike ride, a long, hot bath, a yoga class, an exercise class, a massage or a relaxing Reiki treatment!

You can’t pour from an empty cup” is an over-used saying for good reason. As a Reiki therapist, it’s important for me to look after myself so that I can give 100% to my clients. My resolution for 2020 is to ensure that I set aside some ‘me time’ at least once a week. I hope you can commit to doing the same.

Give me a call on 07951 960898 to book your Reiki session and remember that if you book and pay for three sessions in advance (£75), you will save £15 (normal price per session is £30). Many of my regular clients take advantage of this offer and as well as saving them money, it means that they commit to coming regularly which they find very beneficial. Have a look at my ‘Testimonials’ page to see what people say about the benefits of Reiki.

In the meantime, I hope that 2020 is a very happy one for you all.




Reasons to be Cheerful


Fed up with endless messages about 'Black Friday'?